So in the past week I've become a voracious consumer of music by The Hold Steady. Blissfully hard rock music, masterful lyrics, a singer who doesn't sound like he should be in a band but is awesomtacular regardless (I'm a sucker for singers like that), and great use of piano.

The thing is, this band has been around for a while and has lots of fans already. I'm late to the party. This has happened before when I "discovered" The Magnetic Fields many years after everyone else had. In both cases, I was all like Why didn't anyone tell me about this?
Why didn't anyone tell me about (x)? I'm really late to the party regarding (x)!
What does x equal?
Could be a movie, a band, a TV show, a painter, a city, a type of dog, anything. Share it with the world so that others don't have to go without as you did.
This from Reid Bannecker via Facebook:
X = Strangers With Candy
Spaced was like that for me, but that was several months ago. I can't think of anything recently.
R Kelly's Trapped in the Closet. My ex-gf got actually mad at me that I didn't tell her about it sooner.
Neutral Milk Hotel, Egon Schiele and Big.Hunk candy bars
Trader Joe's. Although people DID tell me about it, for years; I just never visited. I finally tried it a few months ago. Now I go at least once a week, and I won't shut up about it.
X = Slings and Arrows. When I finally took a friend's advice and watched the first episode, I was totally hooked. Couldn't stop telling people about it for months.
The McLeod's in Seattle
i didn't know about australian shepherds until i adopted one in 2002. what's up with that?
oh: australian shepherd dogs, i should say.
Pickles! Seriously. I'm 34, and I just figured out they're awesome like last month. Argh. Did you know how great pickles are?! I totally did not know about pickles for my whole life until early July. What the eff. If you are like me, DO NOT WASTE ANY MORE TIME. START EATING PICKLES TODAY.
Oh, and also? Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The teevee series. I just...I just had no idea. Holeh moleh.
There's actually a bunch of other stuff too. I'm kind of late to the party on everything (see above comment on pickles.)
x = tossing a few chocolate chips into the jar of peanut butter and then scooping them back out for toast, apples or a plain old sugar fix. what did I not think of this sooner???
x = seeing the Dirty Projectors live, which just gets you and melts you...
x also = Sigur Ros live
x DEFINITELY = painter Inka Essenhigh.
x= the album "The Only Thing I Ever Wanted" by PSAPP
hooray for x!
X=way too many things for me.
X mostly = I have given up. I like enough already. I am ready for the grave.
But X does = long departed British essayist G.K. Chesterton. But who was going to tip me off to him? George Bernard Shaw?
Chesterton's biography of Dickens is supposed to be unbelievably good.
Am I already dead?
If Sarah Jessica Parker, Tony Soprano, Mulder and Scully and Larry David are all standing on the back platform of the caboose, hands extended and I'm running on the tracks... you get the idea.
Currently, x = gardening. Everyone should do this thing! Once a self-hating non-waterer, I have seen the light of full/part sun, well drained soil, handing over the garden hose to the toddler, form fitting rubber and mesh gloves...
arararararrrrarrrahhhh. Delicious!
I've been a big fan of collard greens for years, but when I started my produce home-delivery service a few months back, I kept getting big bunches of kale - of which I am now completely a fan!
The McLeod Residence in Seattle.
x= attending minor league baseball games.
Also absolutely jam to The Hold Steady. Those power chords take me back 20 years to the golden age of butt-rock, but the lyrics and delivery (some might call it singing) are completely of the 21st century - never could have happened without rap becoming mainstream and crossing over.
Whatever x= I can't blame you for not telling me sooner. I wouldn't have believed you. Anything that people get too hyped up about is immediately suspect in my book.
Things that I turned out to like despite all the chatter (hey, it really IS that good) include...
y= Teatro Zinzanni
y= Once (the movie - thank goodness I discovered this BEFORE the Oscars!)
y= Juno (another recently popular movie)
Yoga. Seriously. When I first did it I was like, holy crap, why didn't I start doing this years ago? (I'm a 43 year old male, not athletic)
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