Thursday, December 15, 2005

How Is Your Book Going?

Just waiting for the edit process to start. But, as a further indication that yes there really is a book, I now have an ISBN number: 0-06-085401-4. You will find nothing if you Google it, but still, neat. The ISBN is the number that bookstores and the industry use to track a book. When I've written book reviews for Amazon (editorial reviews, not customer reviews), that's the number used to load them on to the site. And since part of the goal of writing a book was to leave some kind of trace after I'm dead, 0-06-085401-4 does the trick.


Anonymous said...

Do ISBNs get recirculated if a book goes out of print?

john said...

Good question. I don't think so. Because you can always search on Amazon for an old out of print book by ISBN number. But maybe. Maybe it's like organ donation and I'm just using the number until someone else needs it.

bonnie said...

One book, one number. No transplants. In fact if your book ends up coming out in more than one format - say, a limited-edition version bound in buttery calfskin, with gilt edges to the paper and endpapers featuring a hand-colored map of the heartland, the new format gets it's own number.

OK, I'm procrastinating, can you tell? I have to go back to work now.