Friday, January 09, 2009

Speaking of poetry...

Here's a bunch of animated pictures of dead poets reading their poems. Is it creepy or is it beautiful?

One of them is Keats:

The answer: IT IS CREEPY.

(found via kottke)



Kate said...

That's going to give me nightmares.

Kate said...

I also meant to comment on the hand under his chin pose. Not really "right" for reading a poem about your impending death. Better for, say, your senior picture. Or just staring into the distance. Once you start talking, you can't pull it off.

Anonymous said...

I think the way his head keeps bobbing up and down and his neck elongates is especially frightening.

Anonymous said...

I kind of like it, but I am so annoyed by the copyright notices I won't be linking to it or sharing it. Too bad because the guy has created something that could be fun to watch.