Friday, February 09, 2007

Kate (Age 4) Employs the Schizophrenia Defense

ME: Kate, I found an empty box of Christmas chocolates and wrappers all over your bedroom floor. Did you eat them?
HER:...uh...well...daddy...the care bears wanted me to eat them...
ME: The Care Bears? Bear and Sunshine Bear's birthday...and they had a party...and Lock Bear turned...twenty six...and Sunshine twenty eleven...
ME: So why did they want you to eat candy?
HER: ...they can't eat and they want me to be happy...


Tina Rowley said...



I can't even...

I love it.

Christopher said...

I am totally stealing this as an excuse!

Id: Why did you just eat an entire box of shrimp appetizers?

Ego: It. Was. The. Carebears!

Jennifer said...

I want to know why you are letting your daughter hang around a 26-year-old and a 27-year-old. You are lucky it wasn't a bottle of tequila.